學歷:Auckland University of Technology
Matt在哥斯達黎加長大,居住在澳洲及紐西蘭,對教學非常有熱情,有著多年國際學校學生英文及數學的教學經驗,致力於幫助學生建立自信心並透過不斷的努力得到最好的成果。熱衷幫助學生更具有競爭力並能很好的應對考試內容。Matt也精通於幫助ISEE/ SSAT/ SAT/ MATH/ AP考試的學生考取理想的成績。
Growing up in Costa Rica and living in Austrailia and New Zealand, Matt is a assionate educator. Matt loves helping students build their confidence and see tangible results from hard work. He relishes helping make his students more competitive applicants to their dream programs by helping them with their understanding of the exams. He is a specialist in preparing the students for ISEE/SSAT/SAT/MATH/ Subject Tests/AP tests,helping them reach high scores.