學歷:Imperial College London
Alexander是一位對教學非常有熱情的老師,致力於幫助學生建立自信心和自主力並透過不斷的努力考取高分。擁有五年以上教學經驗,熱衷於協助學生們提升競爭力並考進理想的學校。多名學生透過Alexander的幫助得到常春藤與多所著名學校的錄取。精通SAT/ ACT/ ISEE/ SSAT/ IB/ AP/ A-LEVEL/ IGCSES,Alexander還是一位出色的國際西洋棋專家,曾多次代表英國隊出賽,也得到優異的成績。
A passionate educator, Alexander loves helping students build their confidence and realize tangible results through consistent hard work. He relishes helping stu-dents to become more competitive applicants to theirdreams schools. Through his academic guidance, a number of his students have gone on to be accepted into Ivy League and other prestigious schools. He is a specialist in preparing students for the SAT and the ACT and also teaches a number of AP, IB, and Honors classes for math, chemistry, and physics. In addition to teaching and tutoring, Alexander develops content for AEI course materials. Alexander is also a keen chess player, who represented the England ul 8 chess team internationally on a number of occasions.